• Watch the video and complete your worksheet.

    Regardez la vidéo et écoutez les explications des sites (anglais "landmarks") et des bâtiments("buildings") de Londres.


  • Afficher l'image d'origine

    What is the name of this building ?

    What is its function ?

    When was it built ?

    Who was the first person to live here ?

    A) Clique sur le lien suivant pour voir la vidéo. Ecoute les explications et remplis les réponses sur ta fiche de travail. Tu peux faire le quiz à côté de la vidéo aussi si tu veux.

    Famous Building 1

    B) Maintenant regarde la vidéo suivante pour expliquer pourquoi "This is not Big Ben" sur ta worksheet



  • A) Listen to the audio to fill in your worksheet about the Tower of London. Click on the link

    Télécharger « The Tower of London audio »

    The Tower of London The Tower of London The Tower of London The Tower of London The Tower of London The Tower of London

    B) Watch the video to complete your knowledge and answer these questions 

    1. How often are the guided tour with the beefeaters ?

    2. How old were the two boys  who disappeared in the Tower ?

    3. What animals were kept in the Tower of London until the mid 1800s ?

    4. What nationality was the executioner of Anne Boleyn ?

  • You now know the story of Henry VIII of England and his six wives. Here are two film versions of the executions of two of his queens. Watch them and prepare your answers to these questions (use your worksheet)

    1. What were the charges against Queen Anne Boleyn ?

    2. Where did she have to go ? How long for ?

    3. What was the date of her execution ?

    4. What promise was made to her ?

    5. What did she say ?

    6. What did she tell the people to do on the day of her execution ?

    And now watch this video of another execution and prepare your answers to these questions. Add a comment (in English, of course) if you want.

    1. Can you name the queen who was executed in this scene?

    2. Whose execution did she see at the start of the video ? 

    3. Describe her clothes. What was she (not) wearing ? What did she look like ?

    4. Did she ask for the King's pardon ? What did she say ?

    5. Who was the man "Culpeper" that she spoke about ?

    6. Do you see a difference between the nature of the two executions ?