• Two executed queens

    You now know the story of Henry VIII of England and his six wives. Here are two film versions of the executions of two of his queens. Watch them and prepare your answers to these questions (use your worksheet)

    1. What were the charges against Queen Anne Boleyn ?

    2. Where did she have to go ? How long for ?

    3. What was the date of her execution ?

    4. What promise was made to her ?

    5. What did she say ?

    6. What did she tell the people to do on the day of her execution ?

    And now watch this video of another execution and prepare your answers to these questions. Add a comment (in English, of course) if you want.

    1. Can you name the queen who was executed in this scene?

    2. Whose execution did she see at the start of the video ? 

    3. Describe her clothes. What was she (not) wearing ? What did she look like ?

    4. Did she ask for the King's pardon ? What did she say ?

    5. Who was the man "Culpeper" that she spoke about ?

    6. Do you see a difference between the nature of the two executions ?